When your body needs care
Our body makes us feel life. It gives us direction, tells us what is good for us, and what is not. The body wants our attention - always. And especially when there is a disturbance.
During Personal Guidance Sessions, we work directly with your body. We first discover what it needs: are there deficiencies or is there too much of something? Where in the body is the imbalance? And from there we go deeper, looking for underlying causes.
The body as starting point
Our body is merely a starting point. Because underneath every imbalance is also an emotional, mental or spiritual need. We look for what the complaint comes to tell you, and bring its cause to light.
Activate the self-healing capacity
The body is very resilient. Once it regains what it needs, it knows how to find its own way to healing and harmony. In my Personal Guidance Sessions, I work with dr. Schüssler's mineral salts, hydrolates, essential oils and flower remedies. Through a refined attunement process, we explore together what you need.
A wholesome combination
Mineral salts are minerals of the earth, and carry the wisdom of the earth within them. They provide grounding and foundation. Mineral salts ensure optimal housekeeping and cooperation within our entire system. Flower remedies create unity in our thoughts and actions. This gives the body space to restore itself, and simultaneously the loving attention it needs. Essential oils bring softness and beauty, so that we can enjoy life again. Above all, they represent movement, joy and work profusely on the sensory layer.
Mineral salts, flower remedies and essential oils complement each other and form a healing harmonious combination and cocreation.
One-on-one sessions, online or location.
Together we map out a course tailored to your questions and needs.
After each consultation you will receive an email with product advice and a personal daily schedule + user instructions.
First consultation of 1 hour 30 minutes: € 120
(with diagnostic questionnaire & facial analysis )
Each follow-up consultation of 1 hour: € 70